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End Semester Examination Result November-2024                    


Rural Entrepreneurship Development Cell (REDC) under National Rural Entrepreneurship Mission of Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India was constituted in AJKCAS on 25.08.2020
The Cell will handle 1. Placement and Internship 2. Personality 3. Technology 4. Entrepreneurship and 5. Rural Engagement with the mission of inculcating entrepreneurship among students. The Cell will train the students on the competencies required and handling the potential challenges for the emerging rural entrepreneurship.


  • To develop understanding of entrepreneurship in rural context.
  • To develop entrepreneurial skills in the rural youth.
  • To support to explore and identify rural potential for a business idea.
  • To develop a framework for making the rural business concepts and marketing them.


  • Dr.NA Ancy Simi
  • HOD i/c
  • Department of Commerce
  • AJK College of Arts and Science
  • Coimbatore.